Tongue Swab
Operational research for evaluating the clinical diagnostic accuracy and patient acceptance of EC-TST in Indonesian population
This study aims to compare of the proportion of bacterial convertions in drug sensitive tuberculosis patients who were given adjuvant therapy such as vitamin C and zinc to drug sensitive tuberculosis patients who were given standard therapy.
Darya Varia
Type of Study
Observational Study
In several studies, it was found that antioxidants were low in pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C). A decrease in one antioxidant level will cause the total serum antioxidant level to decrease. This decrease in antioxidants is due to insufficient intake and an increase in free radicals due to the Mycobacterium phagocytosis process. Tuberculosis sufferers experience macrophage hyperactivation, resulting in increased release of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) including superoxide, H202, and reactive nitrogen species. Vitamin C and zinc have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties that have the potential to increase the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment. tuberculosis.
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