Operational research for evaluating the clinical diagnostic accuracy and patient acceptance of EC-TST in Indonesian population


This research aims to Determine the proportion of drug-sensitive TB patients successfully treated using the TRUST-INA strategy.


Type of Study


Operational Study


The standard six-month drug-sensitive TB treatment regimen is effective but faces challenges in patient adherence, crucial for preventing drug resistance and ensuring treatment success. A shorter treatment duration strategy is needed for patients with drug-sensitive TB to enhance adherence and treatment success. The TRUNCATE-TB clinical trial has shown promising results, demonstrating that a two-month TB treatment followed by 96 weeks of monitoring is non-inferior to the standard six-month regimen. This opens new opportunities for TB treatment through operational research, bridging clinical trials and real-world implementation. This operational research aims to evaluate and ensure the implementation of the TRUNCATE strategy in Indonesia, using a regimen of Bedaquiline, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, and Linezolid, providing insights into treatment success, patient acceptance, and safety, and contributing to policy decisions and patient adherence strategies.
